Sometimes the budget gets cut. Sometimes there’s a change in the team, or strategy. Sometimes we just don’t know. But we keep dreaming up stories that we like, storing a few in our cerebral drawers. These are a couple of those.


Celebrating Fans

Sports Fans.
A group so diverse that cannot be defined by anything else but their passion for their team. A passion that flares up with even the faintest notion of a related thought.  Whether fans are outspoken, or introverted; younger, or older; recent or multi-generational, they are one of kind, fully committed, heart throbbing fans. Which is why when Dove asked us to celebrate fans by promoting their Dove for Men line, we got excited about bringing in the raw passion and emotion of a lucky fan into one of our opinion shows.

We wanted to create a recurring segment in one of our shows, where a fan will have the opportunity to show off his passion and knowledge about a topic, team, or player, with our own commentators. This recurring segment would live throughout the year, and change as the sports seasons change.


“Ocurrió en McDonalds”

McDonalds challenged us to come up with a big idea. Something cultural. Something that wasn’t confined by a budget or available network airtime. They wanted Fox to use their story telling capabilities and platform to feature them without selling them.

We wanted to create a collection of stories that could be as long as a feature show or as short as video post on Social Media. Stories that would permeate in our audience’s mind, and in their client’s heart, regardless of the media channel. We wanted to tell the stories of those who chose McDonald’s as the place to break their news to their closest family members and/or friends. After all, if you’re gonna tell your Dad he’s becoming a grandpa, or your future son you want to adopt him, McDonalds is the perfect family setting.


GSK Voltaren